The Selling Company: P.C. Specialties, Incorporated, a Texas corporation, is one of the largest independent ISO certified global suppliers of high frequency printed circuit board antenna products. Their focus is the commercial telecommunication and wireless technology industries, with extensive experience of products including power dividers, phase shifters, striplines, patches, combiners, base station, GPS and satellite automotive antennas. With the growing awareness and popularity of radio frequency identification (RFID), P.C. Specialties has developed low cost solutions to manufacturing printed circuit RFID antennas.
Why the company was sold: The shareholders desired to retire. They built the company from a start-up to its present size over a 20 year period, with manufacturing plants both in Texas and China. The first step toward their retirement was to sell the smaller plant in Texas.
Capital Alliance’s Performance: Capital Alliance is engaged to market and sell both manufacturing plants so the founders/owners could exit the business and retire. Now that the Texas-based plant is sold, Capital Alliance is focused on marketing and selling the China manufacturing plant.
Terms of the Transaction: This was a 100% stock sale of the company by the shareholders/owners. The sellers will stay involved as consultants, as needed.
The Acquiring Company: T.P.S. Partners, Inc., a Texas corporation, is a Dallas-based private investment company. T.P.S. has been involved previously in the electronic manufacturing business. This is their first venture into the RFID antenna manufacturing business.